Insatec is awarded the ADIF contract for the supply of specific measurement equipment for track circuits.

March 3, 2022
INSATEC Electronics has been selected by the company ADIF (Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias) to supply the specific instrumentation for track circuits used in the maintenance of the safety installations of the railway network.
The contract has a scope of one year for an amount of €1,101,100 with the possibility of extending it for another two additional years for the same amount. ADIF has chosen the equipment supplied by INSATEC for its quality and reliability, among which are selective multimeters for track circuits, rail insulating joint testers, phase meters and resistance boxes for simulating track circuit occupancy. Innovative equipment that meets the highest safety standards to guarantee the protection of the operator.
From Insatec we thank the ADIF company for awarding this contract and for the trust placed in our company.

C/ Esteban Terradas 6
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