Insatec is a company dedicated to the advising and commercialization of electrical and electronic instrumentation for the industry in general.
After years of experience, it has consolidated itself in the market with a wide variety of products and solutions, offering a wide range of equipment ranging from on-line production control to equipment for laboratory tests.
Among the most outstanding products of our catalog are the wide range of sensors, equipment for electrical tests, calibrators, etc ...
It also represents in Spain the signature of NEC Avio thermographic cameras, a world leader in the world of thermography, thanks to the quality of its product and its implementation in the market.
Wide range of precision sensors for measurements of force, torque, displacement, etc ... Wide variety of load cells and torque sensors both static and rotary
Industrial instrumentation
]From simple devices such as digital indicators to sophisticated equipment for process monitoring, precision electrical resistance measurement, power network analyzers [more]
Calibration Equipment
Universal gauges for electrical, mechanical and thermal values. Portable and desktop equipment for field and laboratory work. See our universal caliper 4423 the most versatile and complete equipment in the range [more]
Thermographic cameras
Infrared cameras from the Japanese firm NEC AVIO, which offers high-resolution cameras with a 640x480 pixel sensor and high performance, and cheaper models such as the ThermoShot F30 [more]
High speed cameras
The high-speed cameras are very useful to study all those high-speed cameras are very useful to study those events that are impossible to capture simple sight as trials in research and development, sports medicine, adjustments in production lines
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